
nedjelja, 04.03.2007.

Nothing As It Seems

Don't feel like home. He's a little out.
And all these words elope. It's nothing like your poem.
Putting in. Inputting in. Don't feel like methadone.
A scratching voice all alone it's nothing like your baritone.

It's nothing as it seems. The little that he needs. It's home.
The little that he sees. Is nothing he concedes. It's home.

One uninvited chromosome. A blanket like the ozone.

It's nothing as it seems. All that he needs. It's home.
The little that he frees is nothing he believes.

Saving up a sunny day. Something maybe two tone.
Anything of his own. A chip off the corner stone.
Who's kidding? Rainy day. A one way ticket headstone.
Occupations overthrown. A whisper through a megaphone.

It's nothing as it seems. The little that he needs. It's home.
The little that he sees is nothing he concedes. It's home.
And all that he frees. A little bittersweet. It's home.
It's nothing as it seems. The little that you see it's home.

Eddie did have a drug addiction before he was in pearl jam.

'With little money or goals, he had begun sinking into a shadowy world that brought out his survival instincts. "There is a thing that happens when you are not as priviledged and you start hanging out with a seedier crowd because you can afford to do the same things," he says. "And all of a sudden the big night out is sitting in somebody's trailer, smoking something or getting hold of something to put up your nose." "It is real easy to get into the lower depths and get intertwined. But I was always aware of that kind of thing. . . . I didn't want to be put on a leash by any kind of conservative, constrictive parent." "I didn't want to be in that world, but I also didn't want to be in the web of this other thing. I was getting swallowed up in it, but something made me realize it was time to get away or I was going to be just another loser." '

“I don't need drugs to make my life tragic”

Toe to.ALI...

-Eddie Vedder
- 01:44 - Komentari (41) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 24.02.2007.

Kako je lepo biti deo nečega.
Pogotovo kada nisi deo,a osećaš se delom.

Tu bih dodala jedan citat.

They call you guys Generation X.
They should call you Generation WHY,
or maybe GENERATION ZZZ cuz youre
feeling asleep.

Ko hoće da se suprostavimo svojim idealima.
Ko je rekao da je grunge uopšte ikada postojao (osim shta su ga mediji izmislili),
a samim time,kako se mi,klinci,15 godina posle grunge ere uopšte smemo nazvati grunge klincima.
Da...Veoma zanimljivo pitanje.

Da li ste nekada razmišljali o stavu naših ideala...heh... o tom takozvanom GRUNGE u hm ?
Niko od njih nije prihvacjao taj termin.:)
I svako se drzhao podaleko od bilo kakvog etiketiranja.:)
Da bi na kraju,nosili majice "I LOVE GRUNGE"
samo iz zezancije.

Mark Arm, the vocalist for the Seattle band Green River (and later Mudhoney), is widely credited for being the first to use the term "grunge" to describe the style. However, Arm used the term pejoratively; he called the band's style "pure grunge, pure shit". This was not seen as being negative by the media, and the term was subsequently applied to all music that sounded similar to Green River's style. The word grunge itself means "dirt". It is likely that the term was seen as appropriate because of the "dirty" guitar sound that grunge is known for, and the unkempt appearance of most grunge musicians. This was in direct contradiction to the relatively polished look and sound of glam metal bands of the late 1980s.

Hm.To bi značilo da je Mark lepo slikovito opisao svoj band i svi koji su se našli blizu njega...svi su bili etiketirani grungeom - samo jednom jedinom rečju koja je bila neobična medijima...

Layne je uvek tvrdio da su oni najbolji hairband devedesetih.
Da su grunge bili...to im je samo nametnuto.:)))

Kasnije,negde krajem devedesetih su Eddie Veddera i Mikea pitali da li grunge postoji još.
Eddie je počeo da se smeje.Jaaaako se smejao i ispričao sledeće...
"Prošle nedelje su u Seattleu nastupali Melvinsi,inače band iz Kurtovog rodnog grada,došao je Kris da napravi par fotki.Tada smo svi znali da se sve završilo.Gotovo.Zaključano.Dont try it again.Završeno."

A sad deco moja,gledajte u plafon i razmislite...

Alternative devedesetih = grunge ( nazvano po medijima )

Revolucija nije.Mozhda samo u muzichkom smislu.
Nije bilo niti jednog pravca koji je doneo toliko sharenila u jednu vrecju.

Ali pokret definitivno nije.
Pokret predhodi ideja,zamisao jedne mase koja je nezadovoljna.

Takozvana generacija X (whohoho loool) je bila nezadovoljna sa svime i svachime u to vreme.
Ali svako na svoj nachin.:))))

Muzika nastala u takozvanoj,grunge eri jeste jako kvalitetna.
Cela propoganda,cela velika zbrka oko svega toga...
To je nešto što oni nisu hteli,a bilo im je nametnuto.
Ljudi koji su se smejali propogandi medija i celom pričom
su većinom danas sa nama...Oni i danas prave muziku,
i danas žive,i danas imaju fanove.

A oni koji su se previše opteretili grunge definicijom su danas negde u nebu ili zemlji.
(sa ovim nikako ne mislim na Layne-a,njega je bolelo dupe)...

Nekako je lepše živeti u stvarnosti.
Ali kada shvatiš da je zadnja "rock n roll revolucija"
nastala iz jednog termina,Markove izgovorene reči,
zapitam se...Da li je od tada bilo nekih velikih "BOOOM" - ova
na alternativnoj sceni ?

Recite mi,kada se zadnju put pojavio neko da se pobuni,neko ko je mlad,
osim takozvanih sezonskih blink,sum,good charlotte i te !!!!POP-PUNK!!!
generacije zanimljivih ljudi ?

U jednom trenutku smo osetili wave Limp Bizkit,Sepultura itd. koji su jedini,kažem JEDINI bili u stanju da se delom drže reči svojih "x generation ideala" ... Ali to nije revolucija ... ima ih premalo da bi probudili sve one koji su zaspali.A oni koji su novi klinci,ne znaju da su njihovim idealima baš generacija x bili ideali.

The radio is dead.

Nemate li želju izmisliti termin,pretvoriti ga u eru i izgovoriti svoje tinejdžerske
svaštarije koje će vas učiniti večnim ? Da li bi hteli da ima neko ... da ima ljudi koji bi to hteli...mogli ?

Opet ni sama ne znam o čemu pričam.
Da bih se izvukla moram da stavim lyrics koji mi se svidja,
ali daleko da sam fan LB-a,istina,poznajem njihovu diskografiju,tetka sluša.Jej!

If only we could fly, limp bizkit style
John otto, take em to the mathews bridge
Can ya feel it, my g g generation, get up
My g g generation, are you ready?
Do you know where you are?
Welcome to the jungle punk
Take a look around
Its limp bizkit fuckin up your town
We download in the shockwave
For all the ladies in the cave
To get your groove on
And maybe your the one who
Flew over the cuckoos nest
Well guess whos next
Generation x
Generation strange
Sun dont even shine

Through a window pane
So go ahead and talk shit
Talk shit about me
And go ahead and talk shit
About my g g generation
We dont, dont give a fuck and,
We wont ever give a fuck un-
Till you, you give a fuck about me
And my generation
Hey kid, take my advice
Ya dont wanna step into
Abig pile of shit
The captain is drunk
Your world is titanic
Floatin on the funk
So get your groove on
And maybe I am
Just a little fucked up
Lifes just a little fucked up...

ps.morate priznati da voli ono u čemu je (bio)...

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-Eddie Vedder

ps.PJ Harvey i Bjork su kraljice.
Satisfaction od Stonesa su perfektnooo odpevale zajedno.
Ako neko nije pogledao film Dencer In The Dark ... NEKA GA POGLEDA.
Bjork je divno odglumila i odpevala u filmu.:)))))0

pss.Jel je neko gledao bilo kakav film od River Phoenixa?
Gde je on glumio mislim...
Njemu je jedan ceo album posvetio Mike iz REM-a,i uvek ga je spominjao sa istom toplotom
kao i Kurta...:) (btw.Srecan Ti rodjendan Kurt Cobain-bio je...20.-og...)
+ umro je u Oktobru 1993. u baru Johnny Deppa...:(

Jel je neko gledao neshto gde on glumi?

- 17:05 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

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